LoadMDF 1.52

MDF (Measured Data Format 3.0) Reader for Matlab®


DownLoad Hplot with LOADMDF.
License Activation Request

1. Introduction

LoadMdf allows  to load into Matlab WorkSpace acquisition data contained in .DAT or .MDF  files in format 3.0 produced by ETAS INCA® tool or other program that support Bosch MDF (Measured Data Format) .

2. Launch of LoadMDF

For launch loadmdf there are various mode:



>> loadmdf

in this case a dialog box is open to choose MDF file



>> loadmdf('acq.dat')

in this case the file name ('acq.dat' for this example) is previous selected and no query dialog is open.



>> loadmdf('acq.dat','label')

in this case the labels name with corresponding values of enumerative variables are loaded into workspace



>> loadmdf('acq.dat','q')

in this case a list of full internal name of variables is showed.




In this case a string (‘_acq’ in this example)is appended  in all variables names saved in workspace .

For example RPM becomes RPM_acq


It’s possible to use all parameters together for example:
>> loadmdf(‘acq.dat’,’label’,’append’,’_acq’)
In this case two extra actions are activated: creation of label into workspace and appending of‘_acq’ in the variables name.

2.1. Structure Format of Variables Loaded

All variables loaded in workspace are structured data with various fields, in the following examples are reported.
             Data: [3599x1 double]
             Type: 'variable'
             Time: [3599x1 double]
             Description: 'Eng. Speed proc. - Filtered engine speed'
             Unit_measure: 'rpm'
             Sampling_Time: 0.0050


             Data: [899x1 double]
             State: {6x2 cell}
             Type: 'state'
             Time: [899x1 double]
             Description: 'Vector Fault Type for Feedback Diag'
             Unit_measure: [1x0 char]
             Sampling_Time: 0.0200

For this state variable is present a field State in the following form:


ans =

    'BCA_NO_FAULT'             [  0]
    'BCA_GEN_FAULT'           [  1]
    'BCA_VAR_TOO_HIGH'    [  2]
    'BCA_NO_SIGNAL'           [  3]
    'BCA_OPEN_LOAD'          [  4]
    'BCA_NOT_PERF'              [255]

3.DownLoad & License Activation

LoadMdf is included in HPLOT, you can download it here  DownLoad Hplot. and extract loadmdf.p from zip file.
LoadMdf tool is protected by a system of license.
A license file "loadmdf.lic",  is automatically created at first launch of LoadMdf and a message is displayed.

To activate the license click here: Request Pay License .

Copyright © 2005-2006